In Creative Photo Projects/ Guest Bloggers

Top Ways to Capture New Memories in the Digital Age

Preserving your family’s past memories is a lovely way to value them, but the way people would capture memories in the past is very different to how memories can be captured now. Read on and find out some of the more popular ways!


Capturing Memories Regularly

In the current digital age, taking photos is cheaper and easier than it has ever been, and there are a plethora of opportunities that enable you to capture memories. This is a great way to make new memories with your family, and organize them as you go along. With the range of technology that is available, you can also find new and exciting ways to organize your family’s photos and memories, both old and new. 

It is becoming the norm to capture everyday moments with the use of smartphones and other technological devices to create visual reminders of your family and favorite moments, and considering the best ways to capture memories will make sure you are doing it right, and enable you to appreciate the pictures more. Life passes by so quickly, and digital tokens are the perfect way to keep hold of precious memories. Digital memories mean you can capture a lot more, in a much easier way and organize the photos so they can be shared for years to come. 


Top Ways to Capture & Display Memories

If you’re not sure where to get started, here are some of the top ways you can capture and organize new memories in the digital age by utilizing technology:


Digital Picture Frames

It can often be hard to choose only 1-2 photos to put in regular photo frames out of the thousands that you surely have. Whether you are creating photo frames to place around your home and share your favorite memories or put one together as a gift for a friend or loved ones, you will always be limited in the number of photos that you can choose when using physical frames. Trying to find the right photo for the frame can -in fact – become an extremely stressful and time-consuming process, especially if you feel disorganized in the process.

Fortunately, the digital age has introduced the digital photo frame. These are the opposite of the standard photo frames that were created decades ago and are commonly seen in homes. Instead, digital photo frames have a bright, technical display that displays photos in a customizable slideshow format. You can choose a variety of photos to add to the frame, which will all be shown in high-resolution. You can purchase frames in a range of colors and sizes, and you can now connect them to cloud devices and smartphone apps. This means you can regularly change the photos on your frame, or add to them, with a click of a button. 


HD Home Videos 

It wasn’t long after photos were invented that videos became popular. However, for a long time, people and families were limited to using big bulky video cameras if they wanted to capture memories that weren’t portable. It was then a huge hassle to organize any video footage, which was recorded onto tapes. Fortunately, technology has created sophisticated devices which have enabled families to get creative when capturing precious memories.

Thanks to video cameras, smartphones and even drones offered by businesses like DrDrone, video is now accessible to everyone, video is a now a great way to capture memories. And though the use of smartphones and cloud services, videos can be saved instantly and accessed anywhere. They can capture many moments that you might have missed within a click, as well as capture precious audio.

Video is also a great medium in which to be creative with your photos because you can take these memories and put them into a slide or a video, so they can be enjoyed for years to come. When you share videos with friends and family, especially if they are going to be passed down generations, they are going to enable people to immerse themselves in the memories.

If you have the budget, invest in a high tech video camera to capture memories of a higher quality. At the low end of the scale, this will set you back a few hundred dollars. You will also need to learn how to use the video camera, as they require more skills than just a simple smartphone, but it’s well worth learning how to create great videos.


Personalized Products

You don’t have to limit sharing your memories in a photo frame or a video. With the progress of technology, you can now share photos in many different forms. Throughout history, a range of printing processes have been developed between the 1820s and the 1990s before digital cameras were available. From printing photos through a process of development in a darkroom using a chromogenic print process to silver prints, there have been many developments in the years before you were able to share them on sophisticated technology such as the cloud. Now you can even print your photos on anything, from a birthday cake to a t-shirt. 

If you’re looking for a new and creative way to share and organize your favorite memories, here are some of the most popular choices:

  • Cakes for special occasions 
  • T-Shirts 
  • Pillowcases 
  • Blankets
  • Mugs 

These are a great way to share photos creatively and uniquely or to share with a special friend or family member as a gift. It is also a great way to mix up the usual photo frames, or photo albums. This way you can share your favorite memories, and see them regularly as you move through life.


In Short: Capture More!

Capturing memories in photos and videos is a great way to cherish your favorite moments throughout your life, and document your family over time, so make the best of technology in this digital age!


Featured Photo Courtesy of Askar Abayev

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